I'm Danny. I talk about tech and cars.
祝贺你看到了我的新系列视频——DannyPal,是PayPal的Pal, 不是放炮的炮。
You've made it to the new series of my videos-- DannyPal. Any funny connotations of the name in Chinese are unintended.
This is a chat show in which I invite all sorts of experts in their fields to talk about tech and the arts around it. I will drop a lot of big names along the way, but trust me, I will try my very best to invite them over for the show.
In this first episode, I invited two very cool guests specialized in EVs. Our first guest is Emma. She's a KOL from Zhihu, a Cambridge Graduate, an owner of three Tesla cars, and a prolific writer on electric vehicles.
第二位嘉宾更牛比,是Elon Musk的朋友、豪车收割机 Vincent。他也是极少能到马斯克家里采访的人,而且一聊就是五小时那种。
Our second guest is even more impressive. He knows Elon Musk personally and is an owner of a number of luxurious cars. He's also one of the very few people who were invited to Musk's home for an in-depth interview that lasted for five hours.
本集DannyPal是一场“电动车吹”们的大狂欢,我们将会聊到中美欧洲人对电动车不同态度、特斯拉未来创新、以及Elon Musk的八卦小段子等激情话题。
Let me put it out firs, this video is going to be a chat dream for EV lovers. We will talk about how EVs are viewed differently across China, America, and Europe; the many innovations of Tesla; and what Elon Musk is like in private. Tech is Magic. Hopefully you'll enjoy our chat.
Tech is Magic,走你。
Part 1: The Person
马斯克私底下是怎样一个人?What is Musk like in private?
Tesla seems to be a really cool brand, I wonder what Elon Musk is like when you hang out with him in private?
For me, I don't feel like he's the "big boss" type. He's more like a kid at heart.
What do you mean by that?
例如说他很喜欢打游戏, 然后他走进来的时候,我说为什么他头发这么乱,跟我们平常电视上看到的不太一样,有点眼睛好像还没睡醒的感觉。其实他是个还蛮随和的人,而且非常非常聪明。
So for example, he really likes to play video games, and when he walks into the living room, his messy hair surprises me. That's very different from his image we see on TV. He looks sleepy and seems so genuine and chilled. He's also extremely smart.
In just a minute or two, or even just 30 seconds, you can feel how quick his mind is. His conversation with you switches from topic to topic. If you don't follow him intensely, you'll get lost really easily. His mind is just so quick...
He came to China several times, went to Shanghai for the Gigafactory opening and visited Beijing too. There are photos of him eating Chinese wraps by the street. So I asked him: having come to China a few times, what is your favorite food there?
然后他的回答是,我很爱吃路边摊, 就是路边小吃,我说为什么?他说因为它便宜,一块美金可以买七八个饺子,他觉得很划算,而且很好吃。然后我说,呃,果然知道什么是真正的美食,不错不错。
And he said he loved street food the most. I was like, why? He said because it was so cheap, you can get seven or eight dumplings for just a dollar. He thought that was such a deal and the food was delicious too. And I was like, yeah, this guy knows what real delicious food is. Great.
就像我对Elon Musk本人不是那么了解,但我可能会多分析一些特斯拉公司层面的这些事情,我就发现其实特斯拉是一个非常的节省成本。
I don't know of Elon Musk very well. My focus is more on the business aspects of Tesla. I found that Tesla is very good at cost control.
相当于把的毛利率压得,毛利率还是挺高的,基本上百分之二十几 。我觉得正好听你说,Elon Musk他也是一个特别省钱的人,我觉得这两点可能有...创始人和公司之间有一个匹配是吧?
Its gross margin is pretty high, roughly 20% or so. And then you said Elon Musk was also very cost conscious. So maybe there is an alignment between the two, the founder and the company.
对,因为我自己本身也做很多的投资, 我基本上是看CEO,他怎么花钱去衡量我会不会只投资这家公司?
You're right. I actually invest in a lot of companies myself, and often I focus on the CEOs. How they spend their money determines my investment decisions.
If the CEO of a company spends money like water, buying yachts and private jets, I basically won't invest in this company. Because s/he's spending, not making money.
就是包括我看你在Elon Musk家访谈的时候,其实我刚开始我不知道你们在他家访谈嘛,那其实就是一个感觉挺普通家庭的一个装修环境。我觉得这是不是也能看出来,他这个确实也不是那么奢华的生活方式?
Yeah when I saw you interviewing Elon Musk in his house, I didn't even notice at first that was his house, because there was nothing special about the design. Does this also show that he's not at all into a luxurious lifestyle?
Erm, well, not really. This house is super cool. I'm not joking, it used to belong to a Hollywood star, it's not as "unspecial" as you think. You guys can do some research on it, I'm not gonna say more, Google it.
Yeah, I'll dig into it. Our imagination is limited by our lack of wealth.
Part 2: Branding 特斯拉在中美的差别
Tesla in China, US and Europe
The most complaints that Tesla gets from its Chinese customers are centered on its interior quality. Is this also a concern for Tesla owners in the US? Do people in Silicon Valley for example consider these things a problem?
我觉得这个问题在美国恰恰相反,是一个很强烈的180度的不一样。我拿我自己来举个例子。我从小就很爱玩车,从宝马奔驰到后面保时捷的车迷。什么911 GT3也有,以前的凯燕、 Cayman这些我都开过。
I think it's the opposite in the US, an almost 180-degree flip. Take myself as an example. I've been a car lover since I was a kid. I've owned many great cars, from BMW, Mercedes to Porches 911 GT3, Cayenne, Cayman, I've driven them all.
然后你说奢华里面的按钮、皮椅那些我全部都有,但是到后面你会接受一个中文应该叫做简约,contemporary style 。现代简约风对他们的设计理念是Less for more,就是越简单的其实是带给你更多。
The so-called luxurious interior with lots of buttons and leather seats, I used to love that too. But then you grow to like a new style, a more contemporary style, which stresses on the philosophy of "Less for more". The simpler it is, the more you actually get.
Now when I drive a regular car, like the other day I was driving my wife’s Porsche Macan. When I sat in the car, there were so many buttons inside, and it gave me a headache.
I had no idea which button to push anymore. It’s like flying a plane, I saw hundreds of buttons inside and my god, it feels so messy, I don't even know where to put my hands.
Plus, I’ve been spoiled by Tesla’s autopilot.I’m already used to it. I mean, if a car doesn’t have this kind of driver assistance systems, I’ll feel like I’m not living in 2020.
We’ve talked about Tesla owners in China and America. I want to add something about Tesla owners in Europe. Often, when they buy a Tesla, it’s not because of all the high-tech stuff or its brand image, but rather because Tesla gives them a solution regarding their environmental concerns.
American leaders tend to think if there are any environmental problems, they can be solved by advanced technologies. But Europeans are more likely to think that environmental problems can be solved only if people become more environmentally conscious.
In fact, all the Tesla owners in Europe I know are very eco-friendly. My Norwegian friends would tell me that 99% of the electricity generated in their country is from hydropower.
It means that driving a Tesla, from the source of power to the actual transportation, is closed to zero carbon emissions. For these customers, the brand and the tech of Tesla are not what matters to them the most.
What really counts is Tesla’s effort to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. Their concerns are very different.
Yeah, it seems that the Europeans, the Chinese and the Americans choose Tesla for very different reasons.
That’s right. It also explains why they “complain” about different things about Tesla.
Well, I guess for affluent costumers in China, their first and even their second or third car might be from Porsche, Mercedez, or something within that caliber. They are used to luxurious car interiors. So compared to the interior style of Tesla, the contrast is pretty stark, right?
Yeah, the contrast is shocking.
That’s true. When I first switched from Porsche to Tesla, I didn’t like its so-called minimalist style in the beginning either. At that time, I was driving a Porsche 911. One of my friends, he used to drive the 911 too and then he bought a Tesla. I asked him what it was like, and he told me it felt great to drive a Tesla. He loved it.
So I asked him why. And he said you’ve spent a lot of money on a car, if you still need to drive for yourself, that’s silly. I thought he had a point. I spent a lot of money and I still had to drive the car myself. So, I decided to buy a Tesla and try it out.
Oh man, I can never go back. I bought a series of Tesla products after that, including the Tesla solar panels, which were installed in my house. I just think it’s super convenient to charge my cars at home anyway, right? So I just get the whole package.
I guess you’re probably most happy with the Tesla Autopilot, right?
Yeah, exactly. The Autopilot is actually a product that relies on big data. So it takes time to learn the environment and improve itself.
I bought my Tesla at the end of 2018. At first, I thought the Autopilot was not bad, but it worked well only for 80% of the time. Then after a year, it improved quite a lot and could function well for 95% of the time.
你可以看到像一个小孩子一样,我刚买车的时候,我那台特斯拉我认为它是一个9岁的人在 开车。有时候它会乱插,我说怎么这么开车。
It’s almost like watching a kid. When I first bought my Tesla, it drove like a 9-year-old. It would swerve towards a car in the next lane, the way it drove itself was pretty unconventional.
But with every update, you almost get the feeling that you have a different driver. The AP has developed so much; it first grew to be a 13-year-old. Now the AP that I’m using can drive like a 27-year-old. It’s an experienced driver now. Progress takes time.
现在每次特斯拉软件升级,你有没有很期待?我非常期待! 像中国区不是现在有一个可以斗地主,美国是没有的,我一直在问我朋友说,我怎么样可以拿到中国区的升级,我想斗地主。
Also, are you guys excited when Tesla updates its software? I look forward to that every time! There’s an Easter egg in China, the “Peasants VS. Landlord” video game, but it’s not available in the US. I’ve been asking my friends how I can get the Chinese update. I want to play that game so much.
I started driving a Tesla pretty early, around 2015 or 2016. I started using the AP then, which, as you can imagine, was still not totally functional.
You know what the funniest thing was, I’m from Guangzhou, right? And when I drove to Foshan, the Chinese characters of Foshan painted on the road actually fooled my car into thinking that it was a one-way sign, and so my AP immediately changed lanes for me.
There were lots of funny little bugs like this, what do you think of Tesla’s strategy to push certain technologies into the market before they are perfect?
我自己看法是,因为你毕竟你必须得有一个成长的过程,像我们当时刚刚开始用 window,视窗,中文叫视窗?
My opinion is that, after all, the AP needs time to improve itself, just like we needed to give time for Windows to improve back in the day. Do you call Windows “Shichuang” in Chinese?
We also call it “Windows”…
也叫windows对不对?那window的话,你不觉得刚开始用的时候,它一直会 crash,一直会死机,那难道Window就不出来了吗?不可以。
Alright, you guys also call it “Windows”.For Windows, don’t you think that when you first started using it, it kept crashing down? Did this mean that Windows should not come out? Of course not.
This is Tesla’s company culture too. You keep making mistakes, and you keep finding solutions to your mistakes. That’s how you move forward. I’m a total believer of this principle. Having problems and bugs are expected. Because no one, I mean if you don’t try, you will never grow, and you will always be Ford or GM.
So as Tesla owners, we are always in the process of trying out imperfect products, and we join the big off-line party of Tesla to help it debug and improve on a daily basis.
True, haha.
Part 3: The Product Model Y开始交车,这辆SUV有啥创新亮点?
How’s Model Y different from the other Tesla models?
欸,你身边有人开models Y了吗?
Has anyone around you already got his/her Model Y?
How do they feel?
Awesome, hahaha. Three of my friends have already got their Model Y, and they all love it! It’s slightly bigger than Model 3.
除了size不同,size跟Model 3不同,还有什么不同吗?
Apart from the size difference between Model 3 and Y, is there any other difference?
有很多不同的地方,你知道那时候Model 3它有一个叫做“生产地狱”, production hell,你知道为什么吗?你们知不知道为什么是production hell?
There are a lot of differences. You know Tesla went through a period of ”production hell“ with the Model 3. Do you know why? Why is it called “the production hell”?
I watched some interviews and it seems that too many robots were used in the production.
Yes you’re very close. So why is it a problem having too many robots? Why?
Well, some things in the production process are very easy for us to do, such as connecting the wires, but it’s very challenging for robots.
对,没错,你讲对了, 就是电线。问题就在于电线,从model S开始,他的电线大概是两公里,我没记错的话。然后到model X model,它降到一公里,然后到model3,它降到我没记错的话,降到500米。
Exactly, you’re exactly right about that. The problem is about the electrical wiring. I believe the Model S used to have about two kilometers of wires. And the Model X was reduced to one kilometer. And then the Model 3, only needed 500 meters.
你知道Model Y现在是降到100米,整台车的电线,所以它的生产时间可以快很多,因为它用少了电线,而且在电车里面你也知道,你电跑得越短的距离,你其实耗电量会降低很多,你比较efficiency,没错吧?对不对?
You know the wiring for the entire Model Y is now down to 100 meters, so the production time is reduced a lot. For an electric car, the shorter the circuit distance, the lower the power lost. It’s just more efficient, you know?
So the problem at the time was that the robots didn’t know how to assemble the wiring harnesses into the vehicle, so human labor was badly needed. Tesla underestimated the difficulty then, but it has changed since.
以前是整台model3大概有七十几个body。Body叫什么车的身体,有外面像什么 panel那些东西。现在的话他大概有主要的骨架大概有4个东西,然后它是一个大型的冲压,这样子四个东西,把它合起来的。所以它制造的工艺又不一样跟model3。
Previously, the Model 3 has about seventy body components, such as the panels on the outside. Now the Model Y is built from four major components, with giant stamping machines to put them together. So the manufacturing process is quite different.
Yeah, it shows that things have been simplified and improved.
The production process has been simplified, but many of the components of the two cars are shared, for example the seats of the Model Y and the Model 3 are the same.
Model Y和Model 3是同一个平台。
Model Y and 3 are built on the same platform.
我看中国制造Model 3的造工比美国的还要好。
I found that the Model 3 built in China is even better than that in the US.
Part 4: The Culture 特斯拉凭什么不断创新? 代价是什么?
What makes Tesla innovative and controversial?
特斯拉的整个风格,特别像苹果,而且不只是这个公司层面,我觉得 Elon Musk其实无论是创新精神,或者是行事作风,都特别像当年的乔布斯。
Tesla has often been compared to Apple, not only at the company level. I think Elon Musk, whether his innovative spirit or managing style, bears some resemblance to Steve Jobs.
On the one hand, people admire his courage to always innovate. But on the other hand, it can also be controversial. For example, Elon can be super tough on employees.
然后或者比如说高管对他这种可能太冒险的精神不是那么赞同,但是我不知道从你的角度来看,你是否也发现Elon Musk有这种这种特点呢?
And his decisions to be extremely progressive all the time are not always welcomed by other executives. I’m wondering, from your point of view, are these comments right about Elon Musk?
是, 确实是这样子。包括我认识的有在特斯拉里面上班的员工都说,在里面工作的压力,那个叫tension会很大。原因是在于它是一家高速成长的公司。
Yes I think so. Some Tesla employees I know also told me that they were under great pressure working in Tesla. It’s because Tesla is a fast-growing company.
它所谓真正的量产型的是Model S ,出来之后,它是从2012年到现在,短短的8年时间,他们一开始交车,我没记错的话,第一年好像只交了两千台车,两三千台车很少。
The mass production of Model S was first unveiled in 2012, it’s just 8 years since then. At the very beginning, it only delivered, if I remember correctly, two thousand, two to three thousand cars in the first year, which is not a lot at all.
By 2019, there were more than 360,000 vehicles delivered. In an 8-year period, we witness a 50% growth rate each year. And this momentum will keep going for a long time.
In such a fast-growing company, he wouldn’t allow his employees to slack off. He will push you to keep innovating and solving problems.
So I think their company culture is about encouraging everyone to take risks and innovate, rather than doing a regular job and getting paid for making no mistakes with doing nothing at all. You need to keep going forward at Tesla.
对的,其实而且我觉得不只是在Tesla,就所有Elon领导的公司基本都是这样。Space X的有一个前高管,她说钻石是在巨大压力下打磨出来的,而Elon是钻石制造大师。
That’s right. In fact, I think it’s not just at Tesla. All companies led by Elon are like that. A former executive at Space X said that diamonds were made under tremendous pressure, and Elon is a master of “diamond making”.
The kinds of people Musk wants to attract are those with strong self-motivation. They have the inner drive to do great things. Then he will put tremendous external pressure on you too. Like a diamond, when you are under pressure from the inside and the outside, something really shiny can be created.
Innovators are often tough, they attract both followers and haters easily.
对,因为你要理解到对于汽车行业来讲,它是一家非常新的公司, 它必须得在最短的时间超越,而且站稳脚,在汽车行业里面, 能给予他的时间真的不多。所以他必须得在最短的时间活下来、长大,成为一个站稳脚的公司,所以这种压力Elon他自己也讲过,这个是必须的,没办法。
Yes. You have to understand that Tesla is a very new player in the automotive industry. It must survive and stand out in the shortest time. There is really not much time for it, so Tesla has to grow and become a sustainable company in the shortest time. Elon talked about this kind of pressure too. It’s inevitable.
对,所以也是为什么像vincent这种说起特斯拉这么厉害,一套一套的, 最佳编外都不进特斯拉工作的原因, 太辛苦了。
Yeah, that’s why people, like Vincent, who are so fond of Tesla, and who knows Tesla inside out still don’t want to work at Tesla. It’s too stressful.
Not necessarily, but I prefer to be a car-owner.
Vincent enjoys being on the money-spending side.
哈哈哈 可以这么说。
Hahaha, not wrong.
呃,小丹尼让我来做个总结。其实和Vincent还有小丹尼聊了两个多小说,说了很多关于Model Y,Starlink星链计划之类的好玩话题,但因为时间关系,都没放进视频里……你们如果想听点什么?留言告诉我们!第二期视频可以继续聊。
Erm, Danny asked me to do a quick recap. We’ve talked with Vincent for two hours. There are a lot of topics (Model Y, Starlink etc) we covered that are not included in this video because of the time limit. If there’s any topic that you’d like to know more about, let us know. We’ll cover it in our next episode.
Although the three of us are EV lovers, you must already notice that even the most hardcore Tesla fans, such Vincent and myself, will admit that Elon Musk is sometimes harsh on his employees, that Tesla has a lot to improve in terms of its products and services. Even Tesla’s unique design language is difficult for fans to accept at first.
But despite all that, Tesla still wins the hearts of many. It still attracts top talents to work for Tesla. This in itself is an amazing phenomenon.
特斯拉的前CTO J B Straubel说,我们都把 “创新”两个字浪漫化了,其实背后,都是痛苦和牺牲。
Tesla’s former CTO J.B. Straubel once said, innovation is romanticized. It involves a lot of pain and sacrifice.
Innovation is the essence of Tesla. To achieve it, Tesla has no choice but to make some very hard decisions. It has to face a lot of “dilemmas” along the way.
马斯克作为leader, 特斯拉作为智能电动汽车的引领者,要做一个又一个因为生存和创新而面临的两难抉择。他们的选择永远是:为了大爱,牺牲小爱;为了长期,牺牲短期。
Musk as the company leader and Tesla as the pioneer in the EV industry will both have to make a lot of tough decisions for the sake of survival and innovation. Their choices are always in line with this: sacrificing details for the greater vision; sacrificing short-term benefits for long-term achievements.
其实任何伟大的文学,都在阐述着某种“两难”的局面。因为有了两难才有张力和戏剧性。有了两难才有冲突和思考,也才真实。所以西方文学最出名的一句话,就是哈姆莱特的“to be or not to be”,人类的终极两难。
We can see that all great literature is exploring some kind of "dilemma", because it provokes the best tension and drama. Only when there is a dilemma can there be conflicts, deeper reflections and a sense of reality. One of the most famous quotes in Western literature is "to be or not to be" by Hamlet, which is also the ultimate dilemma for man.
Just as fireworks are a result of the collision of gunpowder, human progress is also a result of countless struggles, conflicts and hard decisions. It all started with the “madness” of that first innovator, with the relentless effort of that first group of pioneers that follow, and then with those who are willing to try new things and embrace imperfections.
Arthur Charles Clarke said: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Isn’t the development of electric cars and autonomous driving, as represented by Tesla, a kind of awe and wonder for modern societies?
Tech is Magic. See you next time.
网址: 特斯拉老板的房子不值钱? http://www.xishuta.com/newsview22279.html

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