Business Insider预测金融科技:中国将于2020年发布数字货币
钛媒体注:近日,Business Insider 发布了对于2020年科技行业30大预测,其中包括对于金融科技行业的五大预测。Business Insider 认为,在2019年引起全球关注的Libra将不会在2020发布,但中国将发布数字货币,此举将推动其他国家的发行计划。
此外,Business Insider 还提出了其对南美洲金融科技发展的看好。其认为,2020年南美金融科技领域的单季度融资额将达到10亿美元的历史最高水平。
以下为Business Insider 报告原文,经钛媒体编译:
2019 marked a dynamic and eventful year for the fintech industry, with big tech players pushing deeper into financial services, corporate giants and governments alike turning their focus to digital currencies, and the industry shifting its attention from fintechs’ user growth numbers to sustainability.
Further, both incumbents and fintechs have been exploring new business models to diversify their revenue streams, players like Robinhood and Freetrade have been disrupting the trading industry by transforming the rules of the game, and emerging markets — such as Latin America — have come to the fore as vibrant fintech ecosystems.
Based on these developments, our proprietary research, and the trends we’ve seen intensifying as we head into the new year, here are our top five predictions for fintech in 2020.
1、Libra won’t launch in 2020, but China will launch a digital currency and push other jurisdictions to follow suit — here’s why:
Facebook remains confident it can deliver on Libra, but since the project has been plagued by criticism, we don't think it will launch in 2020. In June, Facebook announced its plan to launch its cryptocurrency, Libra, with 28 partners in H1 2020. Many regulatory bodies and governments have scrutinized the project since then — Mark Zuckerberg had to testify in front of Congress amid concerns that Libra could facilitate money laundering, endanger users' assets, and give Facebook more power, for instance.
The loss of support from some of its key members, including Visa, Mastercard, and PayPal, has also put a damper on the project. But Facebook has already logged over 51,000 test transactions in November and insists it can resolve government worries and launch within H2 2020.
This confidence is likely fueled by a strong track record of getting its way, including with the acquisitions of Instagram and WhatsApp, despite regulatory concerns. However, we think this time will be different given the slew of voices globally that have raised concerns and mounting antitrust scrutiny against all big tech giants — if at all, Libra won't launch in the next 12 months.
Meanwhile, China will launch its own crypto in 2020, leading a number of other countries to ramp up similar efforts. Although Facebook's crypto plans are looking bleak, China's central bank has gotten close to launching its own crypto: It began researching the venture in 2018, and it was reported in August that the crypto was "close to being out."
We expect this will happen in 2020, as it has already started testing the digital currency in two cities. This will push an avalanche of other major authorities, particularly the Bank of England and central banks in the EU — with Sweden being a current forerunner — to take steps in that direction to avoid falling behind China.
2、South America’s ntech funding will reach a historic high of $1 billion within a single quarter next year.
Fintechs in the region raised $704 million in Q3 2019, marking a record quarter in terms of funding, per CB Insights, and there have been four mega rounds so far this year, including Brazil's Nubank securing $400 million in July and Argentina's Ualá snagging $150 million in November. Investors in these companies include Tencent and SoftBank, while Goldman Sachs' special situations group has also set its sights on investing in the region's fintechs.
2019年第三季度,该地区的金融科技企业共获得7.04亿美元融资,根据CB Insights的数据,这是有史以来融资规模最大的一个季度。而今年迄今为止已有4轮大型融资,其中包括巴西的Nubank在7月份获得了4亿美元的融资,阿根廷的Ula在11月份获得了1.5亿美元的融资。这些公司的投资者包括腾讯和软银,而高盛旗下的投资集团也在考虑投资该地区的金融科技行业。
The large number of unbanked consumers, combined with an uncompetitive financial industry that's dominated by a few incumbents, have created a fertile ground for disruption, especially since smartphone and internet penetration across the region are accelerating. For instance, three-quarters of Brazilians used smartphones in 2017, and this figure is expected to tick up to 86% by 2025, per GSMA data.
Coupled with the effects of supportive regulatory initiatives — Brazil published guidelines for open banking implementation in April 2019, while Argentina's central bank authorities introduced an initiative in 2018 that enables interoperability between traditional bank accounts and accounts operated by nonbank entities, as examples — we expect South American fintechs to reach quarterly funding of $1 billion in 2020.
3、A handful of the most innovative incumbent insurers will lead the way on Insurance-as-a- Service (IaaS).
Developments in banking are often good indicators of upcoming trends in the insurance industry. One trend that accelerated in the banking space in 2019 was Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS), which saw neobanks and incumbents — including BBVA and Starling — open up their APIs to let third parties build banking solutions using their licensing and underlying infrastructure. And as a number of full-stack insurtechs, which have their own insurance licenses and own the whole value chain, encroach on incumbent insurers' turf — much like neobanks are doing in the banking space — we expect to see a few insurers turn this threat into an opportunity by allowing both incumbents and startups to leverage their technology and licensing to replace legacy IT or build innovative business-to- customer solutions.
We expect Munich Re, which invested$250 million in insurtech Next Insurance earlier this year, and Zurich Insurance, which has already struck a number of fintech partnerships, to take this approach next year, while Allianz will lead this trend, having recently announced an IaaS offering with Microsoft. By adopting this model, insurers will be able to generate new revenue streams and turn some competitors into customers, while staying on top of the latest digital trends in the industry.
4、E*Trade will be snapped up in 2020 — but not by Goldman Sachs.
Players like Robinhood have shaken up the US online investment space by undercutting incumbent brokerage firms with their fee- free commission models. This led Charles Schwab to become the first major online broker to eliminate its $4.95 per-trade fee in October — a move that was quickly matched by TD Ameritrade, E*Trade, and Fidelity. Now, the industry is bracing for a wave of consolidation as eliminated fees force incumbents to seek ways to cut costs to offset declining revenues.
像罗比尼奥这样的公司已经用他们的免费佣金模式削弱了现有的经纪公司,从而动摇了美国的在线投资空间。这使得查尔斯施瓦布(Charles Schwab)成为第一家在10月份取消每笔4.95美元交易费的大型在线经纪公司,而TD-Ameritrade、E*trade和Fidelity也迅速采取了这一举措。现在,这个行业正准备迎接一波浪潮——合并被取消的费用迫使在职者寻求削减成本的方法来抵消收入的下降。
And with Charles Schwab having agreed to acquire TD Ameritrade for $26 billion in late November, we think E*Trade is the next most likely acquisition target: The smaller peer will need to look for potential buyers following the announced deal between the US’ two biggest publicly traded discount brokers.
鉴于查尔斯施瓦布(Charles Schwab)已于11月底同意以260亿美元收购TD Ameritrade,我们认为E*Trade是下一个最有可能的收购目标:规模较小的同行在美国两家最大的上市折扣经纪公司宣布交易后,将需要寻找潜在买家。
But while Goldman Sachs has been rumored to be looking into an E*Trade acquisition, it’s reportedly also exploring a move for US Bancorp. We believe pursuing a merger with the latter makes more sense for Goldman since the deal would allow it to scale faster, given US Bancorp’s size, and avoid getting too invested in the battered discount trading space.
5、In the aftermath of WeWork’s failed IPO, Lemonade will have to contend with another year of staying private.
受WeWork IPO失败影响,Lemonade IPO计划将推迟一年。
News about the US insurtech unicorn wanting to go public first emerged in June this year, when Israeli news outlet CTech reported that Lemonade was looking to raise over $500 million during an IPO in New York. However, in November, sources said that the insurtech postponed plans to go public this year — which it wanted to do as early as August or September 2019 — amid concerns over how fast-growing fintechsare perceived by the market.
有关美国保险科技独角兽(insuretech unicorn)希望上市的消息最早出现在今年6月,当时以色列新闻机构CTech报道称,柠檬水公司(Lemonade)希望在纽约IPO期间筹集逾5亿美元资金。然而,在11月,消息人士表示,Insuretech推迟了今年上市的计划,该公司最早希望在2019年8月或9月上市,因为人们担心Fintech的增长速度有多快被市场所感知。
WeWork's failed IPO earlier this year likely triggered the decision, as the company's potential float was met with concern around its business model and ability to become profitable. While the insurtech made real strides toward building a profitable business this year — it reduced its loss ratio from 99% at the end of 2018 to 78% in Q3 2019 — it still has a long road to sustainability, with the industry average falling between 65% and 70%, so we don't anticipate the insurtech to go public in the next 12 months.
(本文首发钛媒体,编译 | 石万佳)
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网址: Business Insider预测金融科技:中国将于2020年发布数字货币

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